Find the perfect subject content that will fit to your clients
To create great content that your audience will like and engage it more, you have to understand what subjects are interesting to your clients. Answer to the most asked questions and their biggest needs and bring the solution to their problems. This is how you create a super engaging content and increase your blog or website traffic ! Because answering to internet user’s questions allows you to rank and be seen into Google’s SERPs more easily.
Let’s begin with the example of the day : jump rope !
Imagine you’re a fitness and a jump rope expert. As you know, content marketing could be a big part of your website traffic and a very good way to convert your audience.
Unfortunately, content marketing is harder than many people think. However, to succeed, you need to understand people’s needs and what they are searching for about this subject.
Using Asking Franklin, you’ll be able to discover all these questions people are asking about jump rope.

As you can see, many subjects are displayed by the tool :
- what jump rope to buy
- what jump rope do boxers use
- why jump rope is better than running
- what jump rope length do I need
Thanks to these results, you are able to identify what are the best subjects for you content strategy that will captivate your target audience. In addition, you also will need a very important step : knowing how much people want to read about the subject you choose.
II. Choose the perfect subject with « Trends »
Of course, each result you saw at the previous point could be a new blog post. But the bigger search of volume, the better your blog post interest will be ! This is so important if you want to captivate and engage your target audience.
If you want the best topic for your next content, you have to use the « Trends » tab ! It will help you to get and idea of the subject’s interest and requests recurrence.
Thanks to this tab, you can identify big issues for internet users to create a content people will love. You’ll be able to make the difference with your competitors by truly answering to your audience’s issues with reals solutions.
Here, you could choose to write about one of these subjects :

Because these are issues your audience knows and has, you have to deepen these problematics.
Increase your audience engagement with the perfect content title
Now that you identified trends of all requests, people’s questions, perfect keywords and its volume of research, the biggest part is done, congrats ! After that, you have to write the perfect title for your content.
Title is one of the most important part of your content because it will influence audience clicks and reading.
The best strategy is to write all your title ideas and results you found with Asking Franklin since the beginning of your research. Then, classify it in an excel or notion table for example. Along the way, you will be able to remove all the title ideas that not fit with your audience’s interests and trends.
The best thing to do is to check again your Asking Franklin’s results and choose one of them as base of your title. The more you write like your audience, the more you will be able to rank on Google’s SERP but also to appear in Featured Snippet.
Biggest tip : copy some of the Asking Franklin’s results and make another research on the tool. You will have a wealth of ideas to complete your table and reformulate the bests ideas !
For instance, I use the results « why weighted jump rope » to make another research and as you can see, there are so many additional results to refine your content.

Write your content 80% faster with our IA writing assistant
So you have found the best content subject and title that will engage your audience, you can finish the process by writing your article itself.
By using Asking Franklin IA writing assistant, you can have a content that answer to your audience’s questions but also 80% faster. Start by writing the start of your content by writing 150 first characters. These words will help our IA to understand correctly the subject you want to talk about in your content.
To guarantee the quality of your whole content, write the first words of each section to keep the direction you want to take. Our writing assistant will use your words to generate the rest of the content with an incredibly quality.
Now you know
In conclusion, with this entire process, you will be able to choose the perfect subject for your content that will always fit to your target audience and your clients ! Engage them by answering to their issues and needs and convert with a high content quality written in a lightning speed 😉
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